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Apple Security Easily Cracked By Cyber Criminals

Apple Security Code Become The Targets of Cyber Criminals

Apple users become the Targets of Cyber ​​Criminals - it was recently rumored that Apple users are very vulnerable and easily to become the target of attacks by cyber criminals who want to get access to their Apple ID. Some users of Apple also reported that they has received a message from Apple Inc. The message contains the expiration of Apple ID that they will soon run out and ask them to enter into a link so that they remain active Apple ID.

Based on excerpts IB Times on Friday (15/04/2016), according to security expert Graham Cluley, he said that at first, the message as urgent and encourages users to go to a link. In fact, in the message, users are given no time at all to verify the authenticity of the message. Then, by way of clicking the link, the user will enter on a fake login page Apple ID. The page was created as a tool to tap the user's personal information that could be misused to commit fraud or even can also be sold.

When the username and password is entered, the user will be notified that Apple users have been locked for security reasons. The process to unlock Apple ID, generated fake cyber criminals then asks the user to enter more personal information such as birth dates, phone numbers, addresses and credit cards. In fact, unmitigated, the page also asks you for personal security question option, thus indirectly encouraging users to provide information, such as driver's license number and passport number.

Graham Cluley added that details and credit card information is intended for identity theft. The cyber criminals are deliberately taking advantage on behalf of the brand Apple to get that information. Therefore, Cluley suggested to users of Apple's absolutely no clicking or, clicking link in the email because it's possible the link will take the user to sign into a fake pages.

In addition to information that the theft of such a system usually called phishing that take from the word fishing which means fishing. Known phishing words because of the way it is waged 'fishing' users to click on a link that is most likely directed to a fake page.
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